नेपाल संवत: ११४५ सिल्लागा सप्तमी - २२
No web portal and passport app of NAGRC
Difficulty on regeneration and multiplication of different crops/ plants in Khumaltar
Lack of screening environment
Analog site experiment for MERC not well established
Accessioning system not fully adapted in the country
Lack of agrobiodiversity act, law, guiding documents, NABSAP, AB-ABS
In-situ sites for agrobiodiversity not allocated
Lack of emergency fund for urgent maintenance works
Database not well managed and accessible, DOI and DNA bar coding not started
Poor utilization of conserved germplasm
Lack of budget, manpower, cryo bank, poor mechanization
Poor conservation works on aquatic, livestock, insects, microorganisms and forage agri genetic resources
Conservation of agrobiodiversity not in priority. Many good practices of agrobiodiversity conservation not mainstreamed
High dependency on foreign germplasm
Very limited use of ITPGRFA-MLS germplasm
Genetic erosion of AGRs
Identification and duplicates issues
IPR in AGRs not well function
Market of native products not guaranteed
Not insects, microbes and birds friendly production areas